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Sea Otters (Rising 2nd & 3rd Grades)

Camp Themes and Details Are Available Below!

(Registration for Beauvoir Summer 2024 is open!)

Sea Otters Camp Pricing and Details

The Sea Otters program is designed for rising second and third-grade campers looking to engage in their favorite activities while embarking on fun adventures!

This full-day camp takes campers on a journey to explore nature while allowing campers to develop lifelong skills and appreciation for the outdoors while forming new friendships and having plenty of time to do one of the camp’s most important activities—just being a kid.

This camp includes lunch, swim instruction, and on-campus exploration of the Cathedral Grounds, including Olmsted Woods and Bishop’s Garden.

beauvoir students

2024 Camp Session Dates

Week 1: June 17-21

Week 2: June 24-28

Week 3: July 1-3

Week 4: July 8-12

Week 5: July 15-19

Week 6: July 22-26

Week 7: July 29-August 2

Camp Hours

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. (arrival begins at 8:50 a.m.)

*Extended day options available 

7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Morning Connections (before camp care)

3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ABC/Afternoon Beauvoir Connections (after camp care) 

3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Afternoon Enrichment Courses 

Pricing will be available in December 2023


Week 1: $556

Week 2: $695

Week 3: $417 

Week 4: $695

Week 5: $695

Week 6: $695

Week 7: $695

(There are no camp programs on    June 19, July 4, and July 5)

Sea Otters Camp Pricing and Details

Beauvoir Summer 2024 Themes 

Our themes are incorporated each week through various activities, projects, and conversations during the camp day, often culminating in a community-wide gathering each Friday. Campers will also explore much of the Washington National Cathedral grounds on scavenger hunt games and connecting with the outdoors. It’s a great place to be a camper! Daily swim instruction is part of the day, as well as a morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack–all included in the program price. 

Beauvoir campers of all ages have the opportunity to enhance their swimming skills through group instruction. Grouped by skill, campers learn various swim techniques, practice water-safety skills, and play fun water games.

Swimsuit and Sunscreen Recommendations

We ask parents to send campers ready in their swimsuits (on their scheduled swim days) with sunscreen applied. A bathing suit with a separate top and bottom is preferred for ease of bathroom use. We recommend sending in a sunscreen spray, reducing the need for counselors to assist with hands-on sunscreen application.

Learn more about camp care.

Registration for Beauvoir Summer 2024 is open!

New to Beauvoir Summer? You can set up an account through this link.