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Teaching & Learning Philosophies

How We Teach & Learn

Our teaching model at Beauvoir truly puts each child at the center of our work. Beauvoir teachers are highly trained and work in partnerships to ensure individual and small group attention is given to each child as they grow and develop. Differentiated instruction, needs-based strategies, and individualized support are just a few of the hallmarks of our teaching philosophy.

Learning Philosophies

The beauty of learning at Beauvoir is that the curriculum is focused exclusively on early childhood and early elementary years. Teachers set curricular goals and implement projects, activities and units of study with their student’s abilities and interests in mind.

Themes and topics are integrated across curricular areas, overlapping and connecting one subject area to the next. Beauvoir’s teachers strive to present new ideas that build on concepts familiar to students, while encouraging them to stretch their educational experiences.

Believing that the years between three and ten are the most intensely productive of a child’s life, Beauvoir children have the opportunity to be challenged, to pace themselves and to excel in ways that fit their own unique development. Strong relationships between our diverse students, parents, faculty and staff are essential to children’s development.

We believe that it is important to instill a sense of empathy and understanding through the Beauvoir Life Rules of kindness, respect, responsibility, and honesty in order to build a strong community.

Program Highlights

  • An integrated curriculum promotes the development of literacy in all forms. Through reading, writing, mathematics and technology, our curriculum empowers students to express their ideas on paper, orally and through digital mediums.
  • A research-based math program teaches mathematical knowledge, problem-solving, reasoning, creativity, communication and collaboration.
  • Spanish instruction for students during the school day is supported by research that points to the benefits of learning a second language early in life.
  • Maker Spaces and scientific inquiry enable students to gather, create, invent and engage in hands-on learning and problem-solving that empower them to meet the evolving needs of the 21st century.
  • Project-based learning across all subject matters encourages students to collaborate, research, experience and discover, leading to a deeper understanding of their communities, and people and cultures around the world.
  • Recognizing that young children learn with their whole bodies, art, music, movement and drama classes celebrate the arts and connect us to the world in which we live.
  • Outdoor time at least twice per day acknowledges that time spent outdoors boosts a child’s happiness, health, confidence and resilience.
  • A school-wide Global Studies program explores geographical regions worldwide and celebrates the families and cultures within the school. Global Studies culminates in the creation of interactive exhibits, shared with parents and guests, at Beauvoir’s annual Museum Night.

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