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Learning Resources

Personalized Program

Beauvoir makes it a priority to provide a learning culture that is adaptive, collaborative, and innovative, with strong support of each student’s learning development and potential.

Our goal is to develop the unique potential of each student by creating a personalized program that ensures each child has what they need to succeed. By having a robust learning resources program, Beauvoir conveys how important it is to meet the needs of each student and offer early intervention.

Learning specialists

The learning resources team at Beauvoir includes a director of learning resources, a Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten learning specialist, a First Grade learning specialist, a Second Grade learning specialist, a Third Grade learning specialist, a full-time mathematics coach supporting teachers in First through Third grades and a part-time math specialist supporting students in Second and Third grades.

In addition to being part of the learning resources team, grade-level learning specialists are an integral part of each grade-level team. Additionally, learning specialists support classroom teachers to fine-tune their teaching practices to best serve their students.

Learning specialists provide resources to teachers that help them reinforce or extend concepts with students in their classroom, as well as meet weekly with the grade-level teaching teams, help in planning, and participate in parent-teacher conferences. Learning specialists also stay in touch with other professionals who are working with students.

Learning specialists support Beauvoir students by:

  • Assessing students periodically using a variety of formal and informal assessments;
  • Focusing on how a student learns best and working with the classroom teachers to teach to the student’s strengths, as well as developing a plan for supporting the student’s challenges;
  • Providing supplementary instruction and support in language arts (reading, writing, spelling, speaking and listening, and handwriting), mathematics, and organization and study skills through individual and small group work, as well as classroom visits;
  • Observing students in classes and providing feedback to teachers;
  • Providing resources to classroom teachers and/or parents
  • Helping classroom teachers to differentiate the curriculum;
  • Providing “just right” reading materials for students to take home

A student may begin to see a learning specialist beginning in October or in March and may receive this additional support for a full or partial year depending on individual needs.

Our Learning Resources Team

Burke_Maura Maura Burke

Maura Burke

Learning Resources Specialist


Jenn Cayemite

Math Coach

Desaulniers_Anne Marie Anne Marie Desaulniers

Anne Marie Desaulniers

Director of Learning Resources

Doerfler King_Rosaleen Rosaleen Doerfler-King

Rosaleen Doerfler-King

Mathematics Coach

Eno_Allyson Allyson Eno

Allyson Eno

Literacy Coach/Learning Resource Specialist

Heim_Maryann Maryann Heim

Maryann Heim

Math Specialist

Mackay_Anne Anne Mackay

Anne Mackay

Literacy Coach

Osorio_Lisette Lisette Osorio

Lisette Osorio

Learning Resources Specialist

Suzich_Debra_ Debra Suzich

Debra Suzich

Learning Resource Specialist

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