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Parents and Caregivers

Beauvoir parents are an integral part of our dynamic, diverse and inclusive community through their involvement in the life of the School each and every day.

Parents Association

The Parents Association, which includes every parent at Beauvoir, supports and builds community through various events such as the Annual Scholarship Benefit, Book Fair, and Fall Fest. The PA engages parent volunteers and encourages parents to share their time and talents to enrich the life of the school.

The School values their contributions, whether reading to a classroom, eating with their children, or sharing family traditions. Beauvoir parents make lifelong relationships with one another.

PA Executive Committee

Lisa Lowenstein

Vice President
Andrea Mathis

Salem Tierce

Communications & Secretary
Tessa Harber

Kaleidoscope Coordinators
Edith Bartley
Renée Diggs

Room Helper Coordinators
Scott Rissmiller
Lindsay Snell

Volunteer Coordinators
Angie Collier
Amelia Makin

Events Coordinators
Greg Gaede
Amy Markopoulos
Karen Sheikh

Service Learning Coordinators
Katie Blando
Victoria Powers

Parent Education Coordinator
Marjorie Coismain
Serena Sowers