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Beauvoir’s buildings and grounds include an art studio, science lab, library, gymnasium, dining room, performing arts spaces, Spanish and music rooms, and an Innovation Lab. Beauvoir also has an outdoor pool that is used for Beauvoir Summer.

beauvoir students

Our Facilities

Art Room

The art room is one of the oldest parts of Beauvoir, and part of the Beauvoir mansion’s old brick walls are visible in the storage area. The skylights and large windows bring in light which makes the space ideal for art-making and learning. The size of the space allows for students to spread out, access materials easily on the open shelving, and allows for large-scale collaborations over the course of several weeks.

The art room is equipped with materials and tools for art-making in a wide variety of mediums, including Ceramics and a Skutt kiln; printmaking and engraving with our Conrad printing press; and weaving on a Harrisville friendly loom. In addition, students will explore both 2D and 3D media, from watercolors, tempera and acrylic paints to sculpting with both natural and synthetic modeling clays, found objects and paper mache sculpture, in addition to mixed-media projects involving oil and chalk pastels and mosaics made from polished stone, glass and ceramic tesserae.


Gymnasium-Beauvoir’s large gymnasium accommodates students from our young learners in the ELC through our third graders. With a climbing wall and a broad range of age-appropriate equipment, students engage in a curriculum rich in large-motor skill and brain development.

In addition, the gymnasium is used as a gathering space for events such as Community Meeting and the Second Grade Gym Show.


The STEAM Lab moved to a larger space during the summer of 2022. In this space, students engage in a curriculum focused on digital literacy, digital citizenship, computer science, robotics, and innovation exploration, among other age-appropriate topics.

Science Room

Beauvoir’s first, second, and third grade students have their science classes in the science lab where they work collaboratively and creatively on a variety of scientific topics including physics, chemistry, biology, and many more! Students learn to use science tools such as pipettes, graduated cylinders, and magnifying lenses.

They also learn how to keep a scientific journal, recording their ideas and observations throughout our activities. The science room extends to other areas of the Cathedral Close where students can observe scientific phenomena in the woods, gardens, and Cathedral itself.

The K Deck

The K Deck, an open-air space between the two kindergarten hallways, is a wonderful space for science projects, impromptu outdoor lunches, and gross-motor activities. It’s also the site of the annual Kindergarten Flea Market, where families are invited to join as kindergarteners buy and sell crafts they’ve made after studying coin values. Several Early Learning Center (ELC) classes also use the deck for their outdoor play.


The Beauvoir Library is a favorite spot for students to visit with their class or on their own. A spacious room with a high ceiling and exposed wood beams, the library has many windows that allow natural light to permeate the space.

There is a reading loft where small book groups gather to enjoy any of our more than 17,000 print, media, and digital titles, and let their imaginations soar. Throughout the library, comfortable and inviting spots for quiet reading abound.

Dining Room

Beauvoir’s light-filled dining room is where students in first through third grade gather with faculty and staff for family-style lunches. Healthy and delicious lunches are prepared in our own kitchen with our partners at Meriwether Godsey, who provide vegetarian and gluten-free options each day.

Pool (Beauvoir Summer)

The Beauvoir pool is used for Beauvoir Summer, our camp program for children ages 3-10. Pool memberships are available each summer.

Taylor Hall

Plays, speaker events, and pre-k/kindergarten chapel are just some of the events that take place on stage in Taylor Hall.

Music Performing Arts Room

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